Who Can Become a UConn Master Composter?
Share your composting skills and knowledge with the public through volunteer activities, such as presentations, workshops, exhibits, tabling at events, assisting school composting projects, demonstrations or other activities. Typically, a maximum of 24 applicants can enroll in the program each year. Slots are filled on a first-come basis.
Originally an in-person program, since the pandemic, the UConn Master Composter Program transitioned to a hybrid program with some in person and some online sessions. In fall 2023’s program, there will be 2 online evening classes and 2 in person Saturday sessions. Two field trips are also built into the curriculum. Participants are expected to attend all classes. Upon completion of the course, candidates must complete a minimum of 2 approved outreach activities totaling a minimum of 20 hours. A graduation ceremony is typically held the following fall and a UConn Master Composter Certificate and Name Badge is presented to candidates meeting the requirements of the program.

Please note: This is a train the trainer program. It is expected than all participants will engage in outreach activities. If you cannot attend all classes and/or do not wish to engage in outreach activities, please do not sign up for this program.
UConn Master Composter Program Coordinators

Dawn Pettinelli
Associate Extension Educator
UConn Dept of Plant Science and Landscape Architecture

Gail K. Reynolds, M.F.S.
Master Composter Program Coordinator
UConn Dept of Extension