Ladybug Blog

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  • I Used to Like Jack in the Pulpits!
    One of the most fascinating plants to me (many moons ago) as a young naturalist was Jack in the Pulpit. The plant is quite unique because of its unusual flower, its pollination strategy and its unpalatability to herbivores. The 1- to 3-foot-tall and wide plants send up stems bearing trifoliate leaves. They are found in […]
  • Intriguing Oddities: Coleus
    In 2022, while I was trying to finish up my chemistry degree, I was trying to brainstorm ideas for a chromatography project and had settled on the idea of separating out and quantifying chlorophylls in hostas. I hopped in my car and drove down to the local garden center, planning to purchase some hostas I […]
  • Saturnidae Moths and Caterpillars
    In all things of nature there is something of the marvelous– Aristotle Late May and June is the time we most commonly encounter the native giant silkworm and other Saturnidae family moths here in Connecticut. Most of these moths are fairly large and can cause excitement when seen. They can often be found early in […]