Who We Are

The UConn Home & Garden Education Center accepts requests for assistance or information on horticultural topics and garden and household pests from individuals throughout Connecticut as well as solicitations from out-of-state and, occasionally, international clients. Inquiries come from both commercial and residential sources.

The Center is the Northeast Regional First Responder to Extension ‘Ask the Expert’ questions. The UConn Plant Diagnostic Lab is a member of the National Plant Diagnostic Network and the Northeast Plant Diagnostic Network.

The UConn Home & Garden Education Center supports UConn Extension’s mission by providing answers you can trust with research-based information and resources. 

    Services Provided:

    Toll-Free Number: Call With Your Gardening Or Pest Questions: (877) 486-6271

    Email: Send Your Gardening or Pest Questions and photos to: ladybug@uconn.edu

    Free Monthly Horticultural E-Newsletter

    Fact Sheets on Horticultural and Related Topics

    Ladybug Blog  - A weekly horticulture blog

    Social Media - Follow us on Facebook & Instagram

    Speakers & Presentations - Limited availability upon request!

    Outreach Events – We provide talks and tabling at events like the CT Flower & Garden Show and host events like the Annual IPM for Home Gardeners Seminar.

      Frequently Asked Questions

      Where is the UConn Home & Garden Education Center Located?

      The UConn Home & Garden Education Center is located in Room 4 of the Ratcliffe Hicks Building on the UConn Storrs campus. Off of RT195, take Horsebarn Hill Extension Road. Take your first right, down the short hill. At the bottom of the little hill take a right to the rear of Ratcliffe Hicks. Park against the big stone wall in one of the first two parking spaces for visitors to the Center. Enter the building via the straight handicap ramp into the basement level.

      What are the UConn HGEC hours?

      Our office is open to visitors Monday-Friday 8:30 AM - 3:30 PM.
      We are closed during all State and Federal Holidays and will post foreseeable closures on our website (https://homegarden.cahnr.uconn.edu/)
      Please call our office at 860-486-4271 to confirm that our Horticultural Educators are available to assist you on the day you plan to visit.

      How do I submit a plant or insect sample?

      Samples for plant identification or disease analysis, and garden insects for identification can be dropped off to our office in the Ratcliffe Hicks building during business hours.
      When our office is closed, samples can be left in the red cooler outside of our office and will be picked up the next business day for analysis.
      Please complete the appropriate sample submission form (https://plant.lab.uconn.edu/forms/) and label your sample clearly.

      How do I submit a soil sample?

      Soil samples go to our Soil Nutrient Analysis Lab, located on the UConn Depot Campus at 6 Sherman Place, Storrs CT, 06269
      Instructions, pricing structures, and associated forms can all be found at: https://soiltesting.cahnr.uconn.edu/sampling/

      Our Team

      Sydney Everhart

      Department Head of Plant Science & Landscape Architecture


      Nick Goltz

      Director of Plant Diagnostic Laboratory and Assistant Extension Educator


      Pamela Cooper

      Horticultural Outreach Educator

      Public Service Specialist



      Marie Woodward

      Horticultural Outreach Educator

      Public Service Specialist



      Heather Zidack

      Horticultural Outreach Educator

      Educational Assistant I

