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Have you noticed leaf curl on your rhododendrons?

These plants are known to curl their leaves as a defense against water loss during drought and cold weather. In addition, frozen soil will prevent water uptake leading to further water stress and more leaf curling.

The good news that this is something that usually remedies itself in the spring!

If you are seeing this, continue monitoring the plant through the spring, watching for signs of growth and improvement.

Learn more about this phenomenon at:

Violas & Pansies are among the very few flowering plants that can be planted in the landscape right now, with the cold temperatures still looming at night.

Foliage will have no issue surviving colder night temperatures, but frosts can damage the tender flower petals. To preserve, consider covering your pansies when frost is anticipated!

Learn more about the chores you can be doing out in your garden at the link in our bio!

📸 by Pamm Cooper, UConn Home & Garden Education Center

#violas #viola #springplants #springgardens #springgarden #springgardening #uconnladybug

Early signs of spring get us itching to get out into the garden. Read our tips for what you can do in the early part of the season to prepare for planting.


Have you noticed leaf curl on your rhododendrons?

These plants are known to curl their leaves as a defense against water loss during drought and cold weather. In addition, frozen soil will prevent water uptake leading to further water stress and more leaf curling.

The good news that this is something that usually remedies itself in the spring!

If you are seeing this, continue monitoring the plant through the spring, watching for signs of growth and improvement.

Check the link in our bio for more information!

📸 by Heather Zidack, UConn Home & Garden Education Center

#rhododendron #rhododendrons #leafcurl #winterdamage #plantdamage #defensemechanisms #plantphysiology #drought #waterloss #uconnladybug

🌷 Happy First Day of Spring! 🌷

These warmer days have been calling us into the garden, but it's still a bit too early to be planting many of our spring favorites. Still, local garden centers and our team at the UConn Home & Garden Education Center are ready to help you ...prepare for the growing season ahead!

Image for shared link
Spring fever spreads as people get outside to enjoy nice weather

Spring-like weather might have you ready to jump into the garden, but experts say its too early for most planting. New England weather can turn on a...

Happy first day of Spring! 🌸

As you begin your gardening this season, remember that the UConn Home & Garden Education Center is available to answer your gardening questions and help you and your garden succeed!

📸 by Sean Flynn, UConn Photo

#firstdayofspring ...#gardening #springishere #springtime #spring #springvibes #uconnladybug

Happy St. Patrick's Day! ☘

The traditional Shamrock, known as Trifolium dubium is one of hundreds of species of clover!

While this plant and many of its relatives are not native, many homeowners consider various types of clover as an alternative to turf-based lawns, citing... many benefits.

Check out the link in our bio for some helpful info, including our latest blog covering the history of the Shamrock, and information about clover as a lawn alternative.

📸: Stefan.lefnaer CC BY-SA 4.0

#clover #stpatricksday #stpatricksday☘️ #lawnalternatives #uconnladybug

Signs of spring are starting to appear if you look closely!

What have you seen in the garden this week? 👀

📸 by Heather Zidack, UConn Home & Garden Education Center